Total: 20000.00 €
Capitaine Émile Barry, Mission Ernest Chantre
Scientific mission of Ernest Chantre:
Mésopotamie, le Kurdistan et le Caucase
mars à septembre 1881
Photographs from this mission are extremely rare, whether in public or private collections. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France is currently the only one with a larger group: 224 prints in 6 volumes (of which 56 represented in our volumes). The only others are at the Société de Géographie and the Getty Research Institute (respectively 15 prints and 57 prints plus a map). Our set has the most crossover with the collection of the Société de Géographie. It best complements the GRI collection, which focuses on the second part of the mission, and provides 87 images not represented there. Our photographs are also presented differently than the other known examples: the bound volumes and negative numbers in the written captions suggest albums made by someone close to the mission and interested in further use of this visual data.
Total: 20000.00 €